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A cruise too far


The regional ministry for tourism is probably right to try and limit the number of cruise ships visiting Palma. Tourism minister Biel Barceló believes that we should have a maximum of four ships in port at any one time. I know we could be accused of turning business away but Palma is starting to become rather crowded. Some would say too crowded. Already we have seen a minor backlash with anti-tourist graffiti appearing on some walls in the centre of Palma. Our capital city is a beautiful place but it shouldn’t really be put under strain in this way. Having thousands of tourists in the city centre is already starting to cause some problems. Traffic is jammed and the streets are quite literally overcrowded. Something has to be done.

The cruise boom has transformed Palma and of course led to a vital injection of revenue for local businesses. But quite simply, enough is enough. I would say that more co-ordination is needed so that cruise ships do not all visit on the same day. I know it is difficult but really there has to be a solution. And then of course we have Alcudia with its very own cruise ship terminal. Rather than diverting ships away to other competing ports perhaps they could be sent to Alcudia.

This island needs tourism and we must take advantage of the busy summer months but there is a danger that Palma could become too crowded and passengers will simply go elsewhere, which would be a major blow to the economy.

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