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Changing Magalluf


Magalluf has turned a corner, the Magalluf and Palmanova hoteliers' association said yesterday. The mayor of Calvia, Alfonso Rodriguez, went even further: "Magalluf could be the jewel in the crown of the Majorca tourist industry". The hoteliers said that there had been a big reduction in so-called youth tourism and the infamous holiday resort was now attracting more families and "higher spending tourists". Everyone agreed in summer 2014 that something needed to be done about Magalluf, and that "something" appears to have been done, with the hoteliers saying that there has been a dramatic fall in incidents this summer. They praised the police, the tourist industry and the British Consulate for all their help and co-operation. Millions of euros are being invested in upgrading Magalluf and soon it will have some of the best holiday facilities on the island. But not everyone is pleased. Bar owners on the infamous Punta Ballena "strip" are reporting a fall in takings as the so-called youth tourism gives way to more family tourism. The new-look Magalluf will be one of the centrepieces of the Balearic promotion effort at the World Travel Market tourism fair in London early next month. Last year everyone wanted to avoid the subject of Magalluf; this year everyone wants to talk about Magalluf. It is amazing how things have changed in the space of 12 months. Magalluf has changed and changed for the better.  

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