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Passengers told by pilots: sorry for the delay we are learning to fly!

Flight to Ibiza

Prank by pilots! | @Patrick Desrochers


Passengers on an Ibiza bound flight were given a shock when their pilot told them that the flight would be delayed because he was learning how to take off!

"I am sorry to inform you that we will be departing a little bit later than expected," one of the aircraft's pilots declared. "We are going to leave later than expected because my co-pilot and I are reading the plane’s instruction manual to know how to take off. But don’t worry, I think ultimately we will manage."

The announcement stunned passengers on the flight from Barcelona to Ibiza but then they realised that it was the Day of that Innocents (December 28) and they realised that they had been the victims of a cruel prank.

The Day of the Innocents is Spain's answer to April Fools.

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