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Mallorcans heading north for the August holiday

A public holiday in Spain on Tuesday

Busiest weekend of the summer at Palma Airport. | Miquel À. Cañellas

| Palma |

Tuesday (August 15) is the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, a public holiday in Spain, and Mallorca residents are taking advantage of the long weekend in getting away. The Aviba travel agencies association reports an increase in bookings for the whole week, with northern Europe proving to be particularly popular, e.g. the UK, Finland and Sweden, as well as the north coast of Spain - Asturias, the Basque Country, Cantabria and Galicia.

Is it the case that island residents are seeking some relief from the heat? Possibly, but Aviba also notes that flights to Marrakech have been selling well, while demand for Tunisia has recovered. Newer destinations - Albania and Cape Verde - are attracting interest, and there is good demand for Mediterranean cruises.

The Aviba president, Pedro Fiol, says that there have been high last-minute sales, the vast majority of these having been for packages. "It's a general trend as a consequence of the impact of the pandemic. People want to travel safely and with everything covered."

Meanwhile, Aviba is anticipating a decent low season, with airlines expected to start making offers in September. A principal source of demand once the summer season in Mallorca has finished comes from people who have tourism-based businesses and who work in the tourism sector. Favourite destinations include the Dominican Republic and Mexico.

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