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Embark on a journey of enlightenment with the profound wisdom of Swami Shubamritananda Puri

He will be returning to Mallorca for the 7th consecutive year

Swami Shubamritananda Puri. | Amanda Butler

| Palma |

Swami Shubamritananda Puri is a senior disciple of world renown humanitarian and spiritual leader Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (also lovingly known as Amma). He travels extensively worldwide, in support of Amma’s teachings, sharing spiritual insights and leading retreats that cultivate personal growth and inner transformation. He is highly respected for his dedication to service and is actively involved in Amma’s multiple charitable initiatives as part of the humanitarian organisation Embracing the World. The organisation focuses on aiding the underprivileged and promoting education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. Swami Shubamritananda Puri will be returning to Mallorca for the 7th consecutive year, to give a talk that guides us all to finding peace and balance in our lives. You can join for the conversation, concert and meditation on Tuesday, October 29 at 7pm in the Palma Conference Centre. Entry is free of charge until full. To reserve your place please email

What was your journey towards a spiritual life?
I’d never thought of leading a monastic life until meeting Amma in 1987. We met at my uncle’s place in Mumbai, who had invited her to a small gathering. I was absorbed in my academic studies and sports. We chatted about my studies and extracurricular activities during that first meeting, and somehow, I felt a deep sense of familiarity with her and a strong feeling that some lost connection was being restored. I was struck by the love that she showered and how accessible she was. I felt the urge to meet her again and understand her message more deeply, so I set off to her spiritual centre in Kerala, India. Over the following months, I observed a woman who walked her talk. Every moment of her life is dedicated towards the service of humankind, and she is rooted in the vision of equality and oneness. Her inspiring life and presence led me to join Amma’s organisation and serve the world.

How does Amma (Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi) contribute to the world?
For over 35 years, Amma has been travelling the world, spreading a powerful message of peace, tolerance, and compassion. Through her work with the United Nations, Amma’s messages reach millions, inspiring them to serve society selflessly. She has sparked a worldwide movement of volunteers dedicated to helping the less fortunate and those in need. Through initiatives like Civil Society 20, she reaches out to marginalised communities, supports gender equality, and empowers women in impoverished regions. Amma’s message to the world is clear: each of us has a responsibility to create a more caring society by first removing hatred and indifference from our own hearts.

What is the philosophy of Hinduism that you embrace?
Hinduism, or Sanatana Dharma, believes that every soul is inherently divine. All creation and the creator are the same, and realising this truth is the highest goal of life. We gain eternal happiness by realising our true nature. Hinduism views the universe as one big family, with all beings, from the smallest organism to man, considered manifestations of the Divine. When you see the unity in creation, you can only love and serve. Hindu philosophy doesn’t insist on calling God only by a particular name or that one should take a specific path to attain God. It gives seekers the freedom to choose their path, seeing all paths as valid routes to reach the divine. This is expressed in the famous phrase “Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti” (’truth is one, but sages call it by many names’).

Do you believe that today’s technological world is distancing us from spirituality?
Technology is like fire: You can use it to cook a delicious meal and also burn down someone’s house. It all depends on how you use it. If we look into social networks, there are lots of inspiring things that one can access. If social networks are used in a mature way, they can lead to personal growth and positivity in the world - it all depends on the mindset of the user.

How can we all get closer to peace and happiness?
We need to understand that our true nature is infinite peace and happiness. We need to look within and search in the right place. Everything is in a process of inevitable change; that’s the law of the universe. Hence, seeking unchanging happiness in a changing world is a pipe dream. When we tap into the source of happiness and peace within, we are eternally fulfilled in life.

Why is renunciation of luxury part of the path to happiness?
Many people view renunciation as a grim and dreadful denial of life’s pleasures. In reality, it is a practical and positive practice that fosters genuine freedom, simplicity, and inner peace. One can live amidst worldly pleasures and abundance; what’s important is not to allow them to dominate our lives or give materialism a bigger place than it deserves. Money can become an obstruction when we see it as a status symbol rather than a means to fulfil our daily needs. Renunciation is simply about focusing on what is meaningful and rejecting distractions that often come with material pursuits.

How can people practice these principles in their lives?
A successful professional who decides to step away from a high-stress career, which’s affecting his or her physical and mental health, to focus on family, well-being, or a meaningful cause is a form of renunciation. Similarly, a student who stops hanging out with friends and going out to parties during exams in order to spend time studying is a. positive refocus. So, renunciation is not about deprivation; it’s about consciously choosing what matters. It is often misunderstood as rejecting life, but it’s about living more fully without being bogged down by unnecessary desires or distractions. It starts giving you happiness the moment you start practising it.

On a global level, what do you think should be the first decision to have a less violent and more just world?
Be the change that you want to see in the world. Every one of us contributes to peace and harmony in the world. What the world needs today are good role models. Each one of us can inspire so many people around us through actions, not just words. Growing in spiritual understanding can bring about a significant change as we realise that regardless of nationality, race, colour and religion, we are all beads strung on the same thread of consciousness and love. Why would we want to hurt the bead next to us and destroy the beauty of the garland?

What do you think the future holds for humanity?
The future hinges on the present moment. It depends on whether we nurture compassion or hatred. Cultivating spiritual awareness creates the light at the end of the tunnel. Consider this symbolic story: a group of young men approached a spiritual Master with a tiny bird cupped in one of their hands, intending to test him with a question: is the bird alive or dead? If the Master said it was alive, they would crush it; if he said it was dead, they would release it. When one of the youngsters reached close to him, he asked, “Is the bird in my hand alive or dead?” The wise man replied, “The bird is as you choose it to be. Its destiny is in your hands.” We are the source of change - the future is in our hands.

Entitled ‘Manage Expectations: Strategies for peace and balance in life’, almost 1,000 people attended the last edition in 2023. These encounters are an evening of hope for many people. The Manage Expectations talk is a non-profit program, completely free and organised entirely by volunteers. They rely upon the collaboration of various entities such as the Meliá Hotels International group, which puts the Palacio de Congresos at they disposal for the event. Donations are welcomed.

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