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Ship to Shore in Mallorca

Yacht life unveiled: A conversation with Chief Stew Jess Woollacott in Mallorca

I first came in 2016 for my first ever Deck/Stew job. | Erica Lay

| Palma | |

Each week Erica Lay, owner of EL CREW CO International Yacht Crew Agency talks to a crew member currently in Mallorca to learn a little more about our local yachting community. For more info on any of our stars featured here, you can contact Erica directly on Today I’m speaking with British Chief Stew, Jess Woollacott. Having been here on and off for the past 8 years, she arrived back in Mallorca in May to join SY Archelon and considers the island her second home.

What brought you to the island?

I first came in 2016 for my first ever Deck/Stew job, as a crew we explored the island and of course the huge array of restaurants and cocktail bars!

What’s your background before yachting?

I worked for SWAST (South Western Ambulance Service), I worked in the ambulance HQ control room as an emergency medical dispatcher, coordinating ambulances and prioritizing the severity of the incident. A stressful job but one which I really enjoyed. I was about to start medical training to become a trauma paramedic but then I found yachting and never looked back!

My first Chief Stew gig was onboard a Motoryacht at Barcelona Yacht Show.

When/how did you join the yachting industry?

My father is a keen yachtsmen and sails his own boat, we were on holiday in Antigua but knew nothing about the industry! Whilst moored in English harbour looking at the Maltese Falcon, sipping espresso martinis at Skully’s, my father got chatting to crew… and then we decided I should give this a go. Within 6 months I was in the South of France dockwalking!

What extra training have you done?

WSET Wine, Medaire, Culinary Arts Diploma, PBL2 and aiming to get my day skippers ticket!

Any achievements stick out?

My first Chief Stew gig was onboard a Motoryacht at Barcelona Yacht Show and I went all out, I organised a masked ball with acrobats, cocktail flairers and I flew an awesome saxpohonist in from Italy to play jazz! It was so busy we had to implement a one on one off policy, it was named the best party of the entire show!

What’s the best thing about your job?

Giving guests the best experience and exceeding their expectations.

I love teaching the interior team and discovering our weaknesses and strengths so we can support each other in the best way throughout the season!

When I am not workingn I love to cycle, surf or explore in my campervan!

What’s the most challenging part of your job?

Keeping morale high during season can be tough, but its why we need to stick together as a team! And BILGES! I spend my life in and out of those things, the bruises are real!

Think back to when you were completely green – what advice would you give yourself?

Keep at it, don’t allow experienced crew to put you off, I remember dockwalking and having my CV chucked in the water, it was soul destroying but I persisted and always kept the end goal in mind. When it comes to difficult guests, keep your head up, shoulders relaxed and a genuine smile, they can’t argue with calmness or kindness.

What’s your ideal destination to travel to on a yacht?

The Bahamas, I loved the crystal waters, warm winds and sea life! Sailing past the statue of liberty and being docked in Brooklyn was also a highlight! Get me to the Pacific… I’m yet to explore that part of the world!

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Cycle, Surf or explore in my campervan! I’m also crazy about dogs so anything I can do that involves hanging with a dog then I’m a happy bunny!

I’m also crazy about dogs.

What’s the most memorable guest request you’ve had?

I was once told to stand in the corner of the cockpit with a guest’s toast because it was too warm. After 10 seconds she clicked her fingers for me to come back and butter it for her!

Who in the world would you love to have on board?

My grandmother, because despite me telling her, I’m pretty sure she thinks I still work on cruise ships!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

As a Spanish resident with apartments in Palma and Thailand that I can skip between when on rotation, and to Airbnb out. I’ll still be working on yachts.

Any stories, thoughts, or anything else you’d like to share feel free!

Keep exploring avenues within the industry, it’s ok to start again and do something different if you want to, don’t let other people tell you otherwise, it’s your career and your life! It’s important to be authentically you with a good work ethic and to be a team player! Stay kind.

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