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The Majorca Daily Bulletin is on Whatsapp!

Channel on WhatsApp the Majorca Daily Bulletin.

Palma |

The Majorca Daily Bulletin is set to introduce it's WhatsApp channel! Utilising this fresh feature on the messaging app, you can stay up to speed of current affairs and the day's most significant stories. This convenient channel offers easy access to news, videos, and other pertinent content directly from your mobile device. You'll also have the opportunity to follow our entertainment suggestions and culinary recommendations.

By becoming a part of our community, you'll receive a daily digest of the day's headlines and ongoing topics through our broadcast channel. We value your time, ensuring our messages are limited and thoughtfully curated.

Joining the 'Majorca Daily Bulletin' channel is straightforward. WhatsApp channels are located in the 'Updates' tab alongside chat options, communities, and app settings. Once in this tab, you'll find suggestions for popular users to follow, or you can search for specific interests. Simply search for 'Majorca Daily Bulletin' using the magnifying glass, and you can join the channel. Alternatively, you can click on the provided link for direct access.

After joining the channel, you can activate notifications, which are initially muted. To enable notifications, click on the bell icon in the top right corner of your screen. It's important to have the latest version of WhatsApp to join. Please note that channels are for content distribution only, so you won't be able to reply to messages with text, but you can react to posts. Your privacy is protected, as WhatsApp channels are anonymous, and your data remains confidential. Neither Majorca Daily Bulletin nor any other channel user will have access to your phone number. Your personal information is secure, and your channel and group memberships remain private.

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