Crew focus in Mallorca

I want to work on a superyacht. How do I get my first yacht job? Part One

Getting your first job on a yacht requires a persistent and strong desire to succeed – you need to get prepared

View of Palma's port with several yachts

If you’re already fortunate enough to live in Mallorca then you’re going to save yourself a fair bit of cash. | P. BOTA

| Palma |

Well we’ve discussed what’s so great about the world of yachting, and what sort of perks a life as a crew member could bring you; we’ve also talked about the minimum qualifications you need to obtain, and even what sort of person would be suited to this industry. So… you’re in, you’re sold! Now, how do you get that first opportunity when all the jobs you see online ask for experience?

Getting your first job on a yacht requires a persistent and strong desire to succeed – you need to get prepared, get your ducks in a row, and be ready to get knockbacks without letting them get you down! Nobody will tell you it’ll be easy. It’s not. But it’s worth it so put your big pants on and get out there with your go getter attitude.

Following on from getting your certificates, the next step is to make sure you have a great CV. You can find various templates online and lots of agencies offer tips, help and advice on making yours stand out from the crowd. Maybe I should write an article on that too? Yep I’ll add that to the list…

If you have the opportunity to acquire any relevant skills where you live, then go for it. If you’re going to be looking for an interior role, any jobs involving hospitality would be a good start. Service, both formal and informal will be required on a yacht so if you can practice any of that, in a restaurant or bar, or café environment: great. Also housekeeping, cleaning and learning about different laundry techniques would be very handy to know. A summer job in a hotel, or restaurant, or a winter season working in a chalet… these are all jobs which offer highly transferrable skills and make you more desirable as a steward on a superyacht.

If you’re going to be pursuing the deckhand route, then a summer job working in a watersports centre would be super relevant. Or maybe you have been sailing for fun your whole life, or driving powerboats, wakeboarding, waterskiing, etc… basically anything on the water would help your application stand out.

If engineering is your vibe then hopefully you’ll already have a background in this area. If it’s not paid employment it could be a strong hobby or interest. If you’ve rebuilt an engine with your uncle, stripped down a quad bike and upgraded it… make sure you tell us about it.

It’s also a great way to save up some money as the next step in finding your dream job is to get yourself to where the action is! If you’re already fortunate enough to live in Mallorca then you’re going to save yourself a fair bit of cash. Most new crew will need to fly themselves to the island and have enough money to pay for accommodation and of course food and drink. The best time to get here is March to May. That’s when the majority of yachts who’ve wintered here will start looking for their summer crew, plus we’ll start seeing the arrival of many yachts from further afield such as the Caribbean or Indian Ocean, they’ll come here to prepare for their summer season cruising the Med or beyond and that’s when the crew will switch in and out.

Once you get here, find your feet. There are lots of great online resources you can use, one in particular is the Facebook page Palma Yacht Crew. There you’ll find tips and info on where to stay, crew houses and shared accommodation are frequently advertised there, plus you’ll see posts from yachts looking for new crew, temp crew, and dayworkers, along with local events and places to go and meet like minded people.

Networking is a super important (and fun) part of this process, so going to local crew nights, quizzes, and activities is all part of the game. You’ll soon discover which are the local bars to go to for a coffee in the mornings or a cheeky beer in the evenings, where to get the best (and cheapest) tapas, and hopefully make some lifelong friends in the process to go through this with. Not to mention you might find someone looking for their new crewmember on the way (you).

Sign up with local crew agencies (make sure you figure out who the good ones are and be careful who you share your personal information with as sadly, scammers are out there). Some of these agents also hold networking events for new crew so keep an eye on social media. I usually do a Speed Interviewing session for the Green Crew in the springtime which is always a hit – you can get some real first hand advice from an old yachtie relic (me!).

Next week in Part Two, we will talk about the best (and arguably the worst) part of finding your first job. Dockwalking. It’s the part most people hate doing but it really is the most effective way to find work, get your face known and also make some good contacts and friends to hang out with.

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