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Letters to the Editor


Dear Sir,
We are four working days after the vote on Europe and the £ to the € is creeping back up now at €1.215 - £ and the Footsie is up over 2%. Does this not tell us something? GB got a slap on the knuckles on Friday and Monday because of the vote but now I think we may be needed more than you think EU or not. At the end of the day it is all about goods, services and the price. I was worried on Friday as our home in GB is in North Wales near to the Airbus wing-making plant that employs more than 6000 and yesterday Tom Enders, the boss, said the factory at Broughton is indispensable. I wonder why, I know why, because it is all about quality and price and they are the front runners in the world alongside Boeing.

Sorry, folks, in my view this is a blip in the history of Great Britain and we will survive, and by the way I voted to stay in. One last thing good luck Wales in the next round.

Austin Morgan
Holywell and Cala d’Or

Dear Sir,
Sir Richard Branson is right: the British government must re-run the referendum. There are logical and even legal reasons for doing so. The Brexiteers did not know at the time they gave their vote:
(1) That the assurances given by Messrs Johnson and especially Farage were lies.
(2) That by voting to leave they were also voting for the breaking up of the United Kingdom
(3) That hundreds of thousands of jobs are at serious risk. We already know that at least 20,000 jobs will be lost in financial sector of the City of London.
(4) That voting ‘out’ would not make any appreciable difference to immigration
(5) That income tax would have to rise considerably, investment seriously curtailed - affecting employment, and the fall in the value of the pound will limit one’s ability to holiday abroad.
If that were not enough, Parliament has already received 3,000,000 emails and tweets from those who have realised their mistake in voting ‘out’ and wish to change their vote.

It seems, therefore, that were the government to re-run the referendum, we would vote to stay in the EU: there would be no job losses, the pound and the stock markets would return to their previous levels; the survival of the UK would be guaranteed insofar as neither Scotland nor Northern Ireland would have any reason to leave. Further, David Cameron would have no reason to give up his premiership.

It seems to me that were we to have the re-run we would all be better off.

David Lee
Costa de la Calma

Dear Sir,
I freely admit to a lack of understanding about the UK’s post-Brexit trading arrangements with the EU. But as a consumer I fully understand that I have freedom of choice where I buy services and goods.
Surely, therefore, there must be dozens of non-EU countries capable and desperate to sell the UK their products.
I cannot think of any service or product that could not be purchased outside the EU. This does not mean we should switch our EU trading arrangements, but if the EU play hardball and attempt to sanction UK exports to the EU, then surely we just go elsewhere.

As Maggie said, you can’t buck the market and no amount of political pressure by the EU Commissioners will strike fear into the UK consumers.

Your "expert commentators" have been very forthcoming regarding how UK citizens should have voted in the referendum, so would it now be possible for them to produce an analysis showing;
1. Why the UK are inextricably required to buy EU goods and services
2. Why the UK would not be capable of trading outside the EU
3. What worldwide markets would purchase EU goods and services if these goods were not imported into the UK.
This is not some points-scoring exercise on my part but a genuine attempt to understand why this issue promotes so much anxiety and intense ill-feeling.

Pete Godfrey
Cala Millor

Puerto Pollensa beach
Dear Sir,
I appreciate the subject has come up often recently but having just arrived for the first of our two visits this year I feel compelled to comment.

Over the last 18 years of annual visits we have seen many changes to the port, nearly all of which have been good for the family tourist. The beach is ideal in so many ways and ease of access for a family with children is right up there. It is so easy to drive along, find a space, hop over the wall, and on to the sand. So much safer post-bypass with so little traffic. If unlucky turn round and drive back the other side of the road, you always find a space, even in August. Then after the beach time, dump the gear in the car parked by the beach and stroll through the shops or grab a bite in a restaurant before wandering back along the wonderful beach to your car.

Imagine my surprise to find that you can no longer do this. The road is one way and half the parking has vanished, one side of the very long road is no parking. When you get to the end of the road, what then: struggling through back streets and residential areas to find a space or to find a way back to the beach road, then walking to the beach with all the gear. After some time on the beach you struggle back with all the gear and the family to your car, wherever that is, and don’t go for a stroll past the shops and restaurants spending money, you are too exhausted and half way home. Bearing in mind this is June, what will it be like in August? Madness.

Sorry to see such a well-known family resort dispense with the family part of its convenience. As a cyclist it is very pleasant to have one’s own part of the road but they don’t stop and use the beach, shops or restaurants in the same numbers as a car full.

I would love to understand the planners' motives for these changes and wonder what the humble motorist has done to deserve their scorn. Do they realise if we have a car we will use it, and it won’t be for driving round the port looking for a space. My humble apologies if I have totally missed the new convenient beach car park, please let me know where it is.

Kind regards,
Jonathan Hare

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