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Letters to the Editor

Dear Sir,
Interesting article on page 5 (Friday, 25 September) regarding property sales. A recent well-known TV programme in the UK, filmed this year, made the same comments about demand and property prices in Majorca and stated that you would be lucky to buy for under 5 to 10% less than the asking price, yet the couple featured were advised by an agent to start bidding at 94k for a property with an asking price of 124k and in fact they settled on 100k to buy the apartment, a little more than 5-10% less I would say. There are loads for sale in the windows of the agents that have been there for years and the main reason is unrealistic prices.
Austin Morgan

Dear Sir,
In Mr. Fleming’s News Diary (Saturday, 26 September) concerning the canonisation of Junipero Serra, he stated that "it is possible to believe that Serra was rougher in his relations (to the native population) than he would be today, but to make such a big issue of events that took place two hundred and fifty years ago does not make sense...". Does he really believe that time washes away genocide? According to the National Congress of American Indians, Junípero Serra was “a man who played a pivotal role in the enslavement, torture, and other violent tactics perpetrated against Native peoples though the mission system in California”; “this canonization is strongly opposed by California tribes because it validates the monstrous history of the Catholic church during that time”; “we urge the Church to enter into a process of reform, of reconciliation and of authentic dialogue with indigenous peoples about this history, and the need to take action to prevent the abuses that continue into the present.” In two hundred years time will the holocaust be an issue that we should not make a big issue of?         

Gary Charles    

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