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Dear Sir,
 Your articles of Words and More are very informative. As an American living in Palma I enjoy reading the Majorca Daily Bulletin.
I do have a comment reference your article of 1 July, 2015, “two bits, four bits”, and then the saying  continues with “six bits a dollar”.
As a coin collector I noticed a discrepancy in your article. You are correct when you state the U. S. currency is based upon the Spanish pieces of eight which were called “Reales” but not “pesos”.
Pesos is a more modern currency but more importantly it was never a Spanish currency.

Very respectfully,
Larry Sawyer

Dear Sir,
 So the Spanish compulsory completion of the Module 720, - requiring the disclosure of all worldwide assets, - or a fine for not doing so, has been found illegal by the European Commission.
 Hacienda have been forced to refund around €50 million to expats for overtaxing them on capital gains.
Trafico have been told by the European Consumer Delegation that they cannot fine expats for driving with a valid European licence issued in their country of origin.
We have been waiting 15 years for Spain to comply in issueing existing residents with foto ID cards without charge, as required by European law.
Now we read that we are not allowed to drive a friend to the airport, (anywhere else is no problem). What on earth is wrong with these people?

Son Ferrer

Dear Sir,
 So the SpanisI find it difficult  to comprehend why any Spanish government would reintroduce a tax that was so divisive the first time it was brought in,they clearly wish to see the ranks of the unemployed grow even bigger than they already are.
If families are forced to fork out anything up to 60 plus Euros for a two week holiday depending upon the rate the tax is levied at,then that is money that they will not have to spend in the resort so they will simply spend that much less while they are on holiday, I would have thought that was patently obvious but not to politicians,it would seem.
It will also probably increase the numbers going all- inclusive,which will be a double whammy to resorts that are already suffering from less tourist spending due to the all-inclusives.
Further more,there are many people who spend all or part of the winter in the Canary Islands and these people could end up having to pay out hundreds of Euros in tourist tax and as many of them rent apartments on long-term lets,they pump a lot of money into the Canary Islands in the winter as they are buying food and other items required for daily living from the local shops and supermarkets, buying meals and drinks out,ice creams, going on boat trips, to local Carnivals and Fiestas,going to water parks et al.
Most of these people are not rich but are just escaping harsh home winters for the Canarian sun and it’s much cheaper cost of living, which,together with the reasonable long-term letting charges and the fact that they do not have large gas and electricity bills to pay, make part or all of the winter in the Canary Islands a viable proposition for many retired people from all over Europe,a new tourist tax could end this,think long and hard before you shoot yourselves in the foot yet again.
Yours sincerly.

Sean Dobson.

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