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Car Hire--Third Pary Insurance
Dear Sir,
I have hired some 70-80 cars over 20 years, from a company that used to advertise, at the beginning of the Bulletin’s small advertisements column.
Recently, to avoid a car crashing into my side, I swerved accross the road and mounted the kerb.
Both wheels and tyres were damaged. I was informed that I had to pay 275 euros, because the company had third party insurance.
A further excess charge was then applied of 350 euros on any future car hire. My contracts have been in Spanish, and a request for an English version was refused.
I hope my experience will act as a warning, to your readership, for any future car hire usage, from any company in Majorca.
Yours sincerely
Sa Coma

Majorca Snaps
Dear Sir,
I would love to send you my photographs but today at the cathedral steps one of your pickpockets stole my camera with all our holiday pictures
Please pass on my thanks to them through your newspaper.
Hotel Costa Azul

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