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Letter to the editor

Dear Sir,

I refer to Robert Dawkins' letter in the Daily Bulletin dated 25th March, 2014, and have to agree with him entirely.  My wife and I are frequent visitors to Majorca, and on our visits in the winter months we like to hire a car and explore this beautiful island. In the last few years however we have felt that it was a waste of money hiring a car, as the roads are plagued with cycle teams.  In February this year we were driving on the road from Andraitx to Capdella and on coming round a corner on a particularly twisty piece of the road we were confronted with a team of cyclists all over the road, stopped for a refreshment break alongside their service vehicle.  They very reluctantly moved to let us past.  This was a very stupid place for them to have stopped.  If we had been driving at the speed that the locals usually drive at, there we surely have been an accident.  This is only one of the experiences we have had with cyclists.  I accept that that the roads in Majorca are excellent for training purposes,  but there should be more control over how they use the roads.  They have to realise that the motorists have as much right to be on the roads as they have, and should stay in smaller groups and in single file.   I know that many other people feel the same way about  the behaviour and arrogance of these cycle teams .  This must also have an effect on the car hire companies as many people are now considering whether it is worth hiring a car as the pleasure of driving on Majorcan roads has now been taken away.
Tom & Isobel Liddle.
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