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Green corridor

Dear Sir,
Saturday 22 February article in brief “Work starts on green corridor”. Although most of the work has been carried out on the new rail link between Manacor and Arta including the building of a new workshop at Son Carrio and the purchase of rolling stock work came to a halt because of money running out once again another fiasco like the conference centre in Palma.
I am amazed that somehow they have now managed to find over four million euros to make it into a walking and cycle track!!!!
I would like to know why this amount of money could not have been put towards laying the rail track so the initial project could have been finished?
Why does this government keep starting projects which then run into financial problems? Surely there should be somebody responsible for proper forward planning.
David Earnshaw
Porto Cristo

Tourist numbers down

Dear Sir,
Why is it not possible for one of the carriers to fly direct from Glasgow or Edinburgh to Majorca throughout the year.
EasyJet, Jet2 and Thompson all flew last Winter after a break of some years, and now all have ceased flying again from early January until late March.
I would have thought that there would be more than sufficient interest to fill at least one flight per week from either Glasgow or Edinburgh (or both).
This is part of the problem for Majorca, since there is a reluctance to fly from Scotland to Stansted or Gatwick first with the connection problem and the added expense.
Then there is the conundrum - the tourists are not coming, so the resort hotels close down, and so the tourists don’t come because the resort hotels are closed, so the airlines cease flights and so on. So far nobody has managed to solve the conundrum.

John M

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