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Illegal letting

Dear Sir,
Once again the question of ‘Illegal Letting’ has hit the headlines in the continuing vendetta against those who allegedly let their properties illegally. Let me emphasise, as your legal expert made clear last year, that it is not illegal to let property.
Anyone may do so, provided certain rules are obeyed. So the illegality only arises, if those who engage in this practice do not declare the profits to Hacienda.
The question therefore is, how can this be proven?
 Certainly not by employing hordes of inspectors to knock at doors asking for passes as for instance, many properties are let to friends and relatives.
 Who can prove otherwise? There are also many who exchange similar dwellings on an equal basis when no money changes hands.
This is very common in the United States and the United Kingdom.
 You used the term ‘bully-boy’ tactics that would drive many investors from the Balearics, thus also creating unemployment among the large numbers engaged as cleaners, suppliers of food and drink, plus the further losses incurred by bars and restaurants.
 The one salient feature in your Editorial that astonished me, was the scare mongering there are of fines of up to 400,000 euros, an absurd, way over the top figure, that any sane Government would be ashamed to produce.
I do hope that sanity will return to whoever proposed such ludicrous measures.

 Yours Sincerely,

Phil Green
El Toro

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