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IT was truly exciting to read about the proposed actions against noise pollution adjacent to the motorways in your newspaper. This is indeed good news as we live close to the Palma-Inca- Alcudia motorway at Consell and our outdoor life has been severely marred by the extreme noise levels generated by the motorway traffic. It was certainly not this way when we purchased our property ten years ago.

It appears that a combination of poor road surfacing and a reduction in suitable planting adjacent to the motorway has resulted in noise levels which are probably way in excess of the EU recommendations for residential areas adjacent to motorways. We understand the need for the motorway system in Majorca and applaud the authorities for their sympathetic application of motorway routings. Some people always have to suffer in the process but if this suffering can be minimized by the use of low noise road surfacing and acoustic barriers then everyone is a winner. We look forward to hearing more about the proposed plans and hope that this project gets past the “study” stage very quickly. In the meantime we will keep using our supply of ear plugs in our garden to combat the motorway noise!

Martin C. Conisbee, Consell

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