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I am writing to you regarding flights to Majorca after October from Scotland , the government in the Balearics have been going on about tourism in the winter months on the islands but I cannot get a flight from Scotland to Majorca after October. So how are the powers in government going to do something regarding this?

The Balearics are slowly dying as a holiday destination and a place for property purchase as people cannot get to their destination.
I was thinking of buying a property in the Balearics with my wife to retire to but my family and grandchildren cannot get flights over from Scotland to visit us after the end of September.

I think it is about time the local governments and airlines got together round the table and try to rectify this problem before it is too late.
There is plenty of things to do in the Balearics in the winter for tourists and it would help the hotels and local bars and restaurants instead of them all closing down in the winter months.

Yours Sincerely,

Brian from Perthshire

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