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Cricket Club fireworks
Dear Sir,

I just wanted to write a quick letter about the Mallorca Cricket Club fireworks display this past Saturday night.
Firstly I have to commend them on the fantastic display and the great entertainment.
My problem however was in the total and utter lack of any type of security in evidence there, there were large groups of teenagers throwing firecrackers about in the middle of crowds of people and nothing was being done to stop it, this was until one landed 1 foot from my 3 year old niece, I saw which group had done this so I went to the “security” staff manning the entrance who were about 10 feet from the group and asked them if they were going to remove them, it was only when I said that I would call for the police that they decided to actually do their job and not just stand around chatting and drinking beer.

It was only 20 minutes later that they even made an announcement over the PA for the kids to keep their own fireworks in their pockets.
This was a great night and could so easily have ended in tragedy, I am all for the display, however they need to examine how they manage things for next year. Kind Regards
Tony Insull

Cricket Club spokesperson
Dear Sir, The Cricket Club are aware of the incident Mr Insull describes, in fact an official of the club spoke to him and apologised to him and his family after this regrettable incident and the distress it caused.

However, may I take the opportunity to formally apologise to Mr Insull once again on behalf of the club. Whilst agreeing with the main thrust of his letter I'd like to point out that once the incident was reported action was taken immediately.

We believed at the time that there were enough stewards in the ground on Bonfire Night, but with the best will in the world they cannot always be in the right place at the right time. That being said, the Cricket Club will be reviewing its security arrangements for next year in the light of this incident.

Mallorca Cricket Club

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