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A clear case of discrimination

By Jason Moore
A clear case of positive discrimination. While it is almost impossible for royal families to be “modern” (it is just not in their historic make-up) clear cases of discrimination should not be permitted. As the law stands at the moment, Princess Leonor, born early on Monday morning will never be Queen because she is a girl. Under the Spanish constitution at the moment only male members of the family can inherit the throne. Thankfully, the law is being changed with Prime Minister Rodriguez Zapatero championing the cause, but it will involve a change in the Spanish Constitution. It could prove to be a lengthy parliamentary process and with the political uncertainty which exists in Spain at the moment, it could be a long drawn out process. The new law is not expected to affect heir to the throne Prince Felipe, eventhough he has an older sister, the Princess Elena. But it will affect Princess Leonor. When Zapatero came to power, this proposed change in the constitution was included in his party's political manifesto. At the time heir to the throne Prince Felipe had not even married yet. But two and a half years later the situation becomes even more complicated because Prince Felipe's and Doña Letizia's first born is a girl.
The majority of Spaniards support the change in the Constitution. They believe that it is only fair. However, there will be plenty of political infighting to come and especially as Zapatero's partners in power are the left-wing Catalan Republicans. The Prime Minister will almost have to get the concensus of the whole of parliament, no easy task at the moment.
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