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Dear Sir,
My wife and I have recently returned from our usual fortnights’ stay in Majorca. During the holiday, I had the misfortune to fall and cut my forehead badly, so I had to go to the Son Espases hospital to have it stitched.
I just wish to report that the service was absolutely first-class. I was seen in the Emergency Department almost immediately, and after about a five minute wait, I was off to a small theatre, where the wound was stitched up. Again, after another five minute wait, I was interviewed by a doctor for about half and hour, and although my Spanish was much more limited than his English, we had a very fruitful and thorough session, and he gave me clear instructions for how to deal with the wound and about the removal of the stitches. None of this cost me anything.
We live near Oxford, and although we have great faith in the Oxford hospitals, often the waiting time in the Emergency department is anything up to four hours - need I say anything more!
Michael Roxburgh

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