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To fight, or not to fight

Dear Sir,
SO, Ray Fleming thinks that the time has come for Clare Short's Bill for Parliament to decide if a war should go ahead with its approval. Well, I think it is the most preposterous piece of legislation ever devised. Imagine the scenario. Troops and Airforce units have been sent, tanks are ready to fire, the Bomb Aimer has the target in his sights. News comes over the intercom that Parliament is having a vote: “Ang on Bill” the Captain of the aircraft says. “We'll have to stooge around for a couple of hours until permission is given to release the bombs”. Meanwhile, Ack Ack is pounding the skies, and the petrol gauge is getting low. They decide to jettison their bomb-load and someone gets hurt on the ground. The crew is arrested, brought before a court martial as the Government was defeated in the Commons vote thus rendering the operation illegal! If you think this is fantasy just look at some of the cases brought to the courts against police or civilian for exceeding “undue force”. And believe me the “politically correct brigade will go to any lengths to impose their crazy, convoluted theories.
Phil Green, Son Ferrer.
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