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Great Scot

By Jason Moore

THANK you and goodnight Scotland. See you next year. A small and very telling event is taking place at Palma airport this week; the last direct flight from Palma to Scotland is taking off . There will be no direct flights between Scotland´s favourite holiday spot and Edinburgh or Glasgow until 2012. This is an absolutely disgraceful state of affairs. Scottish tourists helped make Majorca the top selling holiday spot that it is today and now they are rewarded with no direct air link. Hundreds of Scottish people own holiday homes on the island; they now face the prospect of having to fly to Barcelona or Madrid if they want to get to Majorca. Unbelievable. Majorca was once one of the top holiday destinations in the world, both during the summer and winter. Now, it has become a summer season holiday destination. Full stop. When are the local authorities going to realise that if there are no flights Majorca is going to suffer. There are plenty of flights in Glasgow and Edinburgh to other holiday destinations, but n ot Majorca. Why? I am afriad to say that no-one in government has bothered to ask. Perhaps, they are even unaware of the problem. Until there are direct flights to England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland during the winter this island is never going to emerge from recession and become the world-holiday spot it once was. Will some-one in power or in the tourist industry please finally wake-up to this problem. Soon, please.

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