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Dear Sir,
Ihave been banned by our Chaplain, the Revd. David Waller, from “participating in any liturgical activity in church for the foreseeable future”. This is stated in a letter dated the 16 October 2013. But it expresses the hope that Imay again be able to serve at the altar of St. Andrews should there be a “working agreement negotiated between us in the next few months”.

Therefore in my 86th year, 52nd year of Priesthood and 27th year of service in St. Andrews Iam not able to celebrate the Holy Communion, read Lessons, preach or be part of the Prayer Ministry. Celebrating the Thursday Holy Communion is also banned.

I will not be permitted to celebrate blessings on a marriage or renewal of marriage vows. Nor minister to grief in funeral services. Celebrating HC in homes of infirm old friends in the Residencias is no longer possible. When visiting hospitals Iam excluded from bringing the liturgical prayers of the church. Icontest this discipline on the grounds Ihave not been told the reason for it.

“I am to be welcomed as a member of the congregation as Isee fit” but because Ising in the RC Parochial Church choir in Pollensa, this is where Maryrose and Iwill worship in the foreseeable future. We will miss you with sadness as also the very many Christian friends who worship with us.
Through the years since Ipioneered this residential chaplaincy of St. Andrews in 1986, thousands of visitors have been ministered to by our small congregation as well as the local community, in the Roman Catholic church in Puerto Pollensa.

The peace, joy, love of the Lord be with you.
Revd. Roy Greenwood

Winter in Majorca

Dear Sir,
I read your article on winter in Majorca with interest. I love to go to Majorca for Christmas especially to walk in Palma on Christmas Eve when it is turned into a city of magic with the fantastic lights, the bands and choirs singing and playing in the Plaza and the feeling of goodwill and happiness in the air puts the icing on the cake. The whole island has a different feeling to the Summer one with a climate warm enough to amble and stop for coffee. Unfortunately I am not able to go this year due to airlines not running from East Midlands and Birmingham. To help tourism the Majorcan Government should help the hotels and restaurants to promote Majorca with deals and offers over the Winter period in order to get tourists there. Many hotels and restaurants cannot sustain the Winter months without custom and eventually have to close. If tourists wanted to go the Airlines would put more flights on. I hope the Majorcan Government will listen to the Tourist industry for that and that will be Majorca’s salvation.

M Thornton

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