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By Jason Moore

FORMER Speaker of the Balearic Parliament and leader of the Council of Majorca, Maria Antonia Munar, is facing a six-year jail sentence for corruption and mis-using government funds. Former Minister for Tourism, Miquel Nadal, has also been charged with similar offences.

When the casa goes to trial, it will probably be one of the biggest of its type and will see two former senior politicians sitting in the dock. I suspect that it is going to be a long drawn out and complicated case which will rock the political establishment in the islands.

Munar, for many years, has been a matchmaker giving either the socialists or the centre-right Partido Popular the necessary votes to secure a majority through her Majorcan Unionist Party. Munar has always been labelled as a political survivor but she is going to need all her skill to get through this one. Munar has denied mis-using government funds but she faces a whole series of trials over these allegations. Former Balearic President Jaume Matas, who governed the islands alongside Munar three years ago, is also accused of mis-using public funds. His case will also soon be coming to trial. I suspect that all the cases will be heard next year and will probably coincide with the local elections.

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