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Dear Sir,

Many people complain about their local politicians here in Majorca and, often, quite rightly so.
Here in Pollensa, my barrio, Gotmar has, perhaps, the worst kept streets in Majorca.
If not, I' d like to know who thinks their streets are in a more dangerous, neglected state than ours.
Despite several protests to the mayor, Tomeu Cifre, nothing happened.
The mayor said he received so many complaints, his head was aching! For 30 years, the Mayors of Pollensa did nothing, except dividing the neighbours against each other. The Alcalde, Tomeu Cifre then advised me to create a legal registered neighbourhood association, through which all neighbours could pressurise the politicians in defense of their interests, to ensure our elected politicians comply with their legal - and moral - obligations to those who voted for them.

Creating and registering in Palma a neighbourhood society and registering in Palma is simple and cheap. Ours is now 1 1/2 years old, we have over 200 members.

I placed posters in our streets and called a public meeting in a local restaurant. To my astonishment, over 60 people turned up! We had our first AGM and we elected our President (myself) vice president, secretary, treasurer and committee members. We registered with the tax authorities and opened a bank account. Our committee had coaching on how to consult objectively - and politely - to ensure that we maintain our own unity. If the society is not united, no streets will get fixed! The committee meets once a month but we call each other anytime.

We award prizes for the best garden and street and encourage builders to build with respect for the law and consideration for the neighbours. We ask supermarkets to participate in our environmental scheme to allow shoppers to unpack after paying, to reduce over-spill in the containers. We allow the mayor to show he can communicate with us.

I recommend that, instead of complaining, that more and more neighbourhood associations, like ours, are registered in Majorca.
They facilitate the often lacking but fundamental communication and collaboration between neighbours and the elected politicians. It is not party-political, so is not divisive but inclusive. Ours has members from all political parties and nationalities. We reflect the diversity of our barrio more than the Parliament in Palma! There is no corruption, as there are no paid posts. Politicians have a duty to communicate with the electorate and citizens - particularly before pedestrianising, for example, the front lines near the beach or diverting traffic. An organised, non-party political association can help spread information efficiently and quickly. If the mayor, or any elected councillor is negligent and refuses to collaborate and tends towards becoming an elected dictator, the press are willing to publish interviews with the vigilant association. The Defensor del Pueblo will also tend to listen to and help the association. In court proceedings, the president of the association could be called to give evidence where politicians e.g. have not complied with the law, violated their duty of due diligence and neglected basic maintenence of the infrastructure.

Dr. Garry Bonsall
Founder and President
Asociación de Vecinos de Gotmar.

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