Dear Sir,
There were some interesting observations by David Earnshaw in the MDB of last Thursday the 19th concerning the Residence ID card. Like Mr. Earnshaw, I have had limited need to use the “green paper” since it’s enforced introduction in 2006. Indeed my wife, at the time we obtained our new paper, by sleight of hand, managed to retain her old card and has used it, albeit out of date, to provide identity in shops restaurants etc ever since. I always use my driving license, which contains all the relevant information to identify myself. The exception is where the identity is required in a residency issue, how often does that happen?
For those who do not drive, help is also now at hand. As a resident, I have to renew my health card (Targeta Sanitaria Individual) every two years. As this is imminent once more I have visited my local clinic, to be given a triplicated payment form(Cargo de Pago), to be presented to my bank to relieve me of 10.24€ as payment for the installation of a mug shot on the new card. The clinic then send the receipted form plus photo to the Health office, in my case Manacor, and I receive my new card two weeks later. Still no sign of any internet facility to achieve any of this procedure you notice. For those less mobile, still the need to find someone to assist, but at least you have a valid document to identify yourself, and no trek to Palma!
So I agree with David Earnshaw, scrapping the unused and unloved “green sheet” is most desirable, but not unless we avoid traipsing across the island to a bureaucratic nightmare, which may or not be solved in a day.
Full marks to the councils who wish to become involved in the process to renew the card, but please think it through, let us have an internet download facility for the application, the “Cargo de Pago”, which we pay at our nearest bank, before the process of completion, which should be at our nearest council office, such as the department which issues the Padron (Empadronimiento). Think citizen, think client, think votes!
Yours sincerely,
Paul Satterly
Sa Coma
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