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Dear Sir, MAY I suggest that the last couple of days has shown to what flaccid depths Britain has sunk to by becoming a “nanny state”.
We have, on one hand a deranged man (quote, “I'll do anything to see my children again...even die!”) in a batman suit being allowed to get into Buckingham Palace grounds.
Then, a bunh of oiks, who seem to think that witnessing a pack of hounds rip apart a fox is a jolly jape, breach security at the Palace of Westminster! Whatever happened to, “Halt. Who goes there? Friend or foe?” No reply, or wrong reply.
Bang! A simple solution that eliminates dangerous terrorists and deters stupid stunt artists - both groups attempting to take the law into their own hands.
It is most unlikely that the above solution will be re-introduced and I expect the security forces to be issued with instructions to add superhero costumes and hunting attire to their ‘suspicious disguises list' along with boy scouts, girl guides, salvation army, nuns (not to be confused with penguins), vicars, etc, etc.
Yours, John Rule
Sol de Mallorca
DEAR Sir, I refer to your comments regarding the lack of work for Palma boatyards and if my experience is common, they only have themselves to blame.
As a retired boatyard manager and surveyor, a Spanish friend of mine recently asked me to review the invoice he had received for work carried out in a Palma boatyard.
Without going into details, words fail me to describe my disgust when on analysing charges for various jobs and items which were shoddily carried out, in my opinion about one third of the total bill would have been expensive.
At the time the work was being done my friend was ill in Madrid and unable to supervise the work for himself and this is just one example of the “rip offs” which are going on and why owners are seeking alternative destinations for wintering and maintenance.
If a person can afford to own a boat, in most cases (though not all) it's not because he or she is stupid.
Capt. David Morgan

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