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Changing of the guard

By Jason Moore

RAFA Nadal, our very own tennis champion, faces a real challenge if he is ever to regain his number one spot from new U.S. Open champion, Novak Djokovic. Unfortunately for Rafa, Djokovic appears to have a mental edge over the tennis goliath from Manacor. Six defeats in their last six meetings makes bad reading for Nadal.

I believe that Novak Djokovic now has the same mental edge over Nadal that the Majorcan once had over Roger Federer. Not long ago tennis commentators were asking, how do you beat Rafa Nadal? They are now asking the same question about Novak Djokovic. The Majorcan has lost his crown and his number one status but knowing Rafa he will do everything in his power and more to try and regain it. In some ways the Djokovic affect is good for tennis.

You need a good contest. Formula 1 is rapidly becoming a one horse race and tennis, until recently, looked as if it was going the same way, Rafa was winning everything. Nadal will certainly bounce back and I believe that he will overtake Novak Djokovic. It will be a thrilling spectacle. Two of the best tennis players on the planet (and some would say of recent times) fighting it out on the main tennis arenas. The two of them are almost in a league of their own. Andy Murray and Roger Federer have become semi-final players, nothing more and nothing less. What we are seeing at the moment is tennis being taken to a new level, which is a fantastic spectacle.

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