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Out With The Old
I do agree with the sentiments you express in today's Daily Bulletin Viewpoint regarding the Port of Soller.
I had the good fortune to use the mooring facilities of this natural and truly magnificent harbour on many occasions during the years 1970 into the 1990's and relished its charm and tranquility.

You dropped your anchor in the bay and the Harbour Marinero rowed out to you to collect the mooring fee & your supplies list (if any). The Harbour quays - what few there were - had mostly fishing vessels tied alongside with a backdrop of fisherman's huts, small restaurants, bars and a few shops.

The principal Naval & Marine buildings guarding the mooring quays were an architectural delight built in local sandstone with arched doors and window frames dating probably to early Eigtheenth Century. This row of beautiful buildings now has been completely demolished and replaced by an extended grubby and unused concrete mooring monstrosity. “Philistines.” The original harbour moorings for fishing and pleasure craft is - “like Topsy” - evergrowing - and fenced by glittery chromium (or whatever) railings and an over abundance of bars and cafes.

What charm truly remains of Puerto de Soller is the bay, its swimming facilities and the hospitality offered by the local people and hotels and restaurants.

Despite the obvious heavy-handed dominance emanating from local government - up the hill in the town of Soller - one can only hope that the Port's delightful ambiance remains unsullied.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Marshall Ride
San Agustin.

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