Step in the right direction

Jason Moore

When was the last time a Majorcan local authority actually passed a motion which directly affects non-Spanish residents but does not does affect Spanish residents? I would say that this is the first time and the Calvia council should be congratulated for the motion they will pass later this month calling for the return of our old style residence cards and the end of the “useless green certificate.” A third of Calvia residents are non-Spanish and the council is taking this state of affairs into account and acting on their complaints and the green residence certificate is top of their list. Now, some people have already said that Calvia doesn´t have the necessary power  to take on the Spanish government and the European Union who are ultimately responsible. Yes, they may be right. But what I find refreshing is that a Majorcan local authority is acting on our behalf, and I mean the whole foreign community on the island because if they are successful it will be great news for all. Sceptics may say that it is a cheap election trick to get the foreign vote at the next local elections, I say that it is sign that we now form part of the local community and local political parties are taking our complaints seriously. Calvia councillor Angie Guerrero should be congratulated because taking an issue such as this one to a council meeting couldn´t have been easy. I hope she gets all the support that she deserves. 

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