THE media plays an important, if not, vital role during a recession. The feel-good-factor to some extent depends on what the newspapers publish on their front pages or what is on radio and TV Bulletins. The British media are often criticised for being too blunt, in otherwords placing too much emphasis on the worst case scenario.
Now, the Spanish media is different. I was watching the Spanish TV national news on Friday night and the main story of the day was a meeting between Spanish Prime Minster Zapatero and Italian Premier Berlusconi. For the next three minutes the viewer was treated to Berlusconi defending himself over his parties and claiming that the Italians were great lovers. All rather funny. It was the main story of the day. Now, the next story wasn´t so funny. Zapatero said that he was pondering raising taxes and the VAT rate could actually rise. Now, surely this is a bigger story for the Spaniards than Berlusconi´s antics. Incredible, it was more like theatre than TV news. Laughs and then tears. The moral of the story; it is probably best in these difficult times to have a laugh in the sea of bad news. But congratulations to the Spanish governm ent press service; that was spin of the best quality and even Alistair Campbell would be very proud of all their efforts.