Dear Sir,

AFTER reading the details of the current case of boys aged 10 and 11 almost killing two younger boys just for fun, I am amazed at the attitudes of the politically correct do-gooders in England who, by their views, have created a nation of young monsters. These children have no conscience about maiming or killing their peers because they know that under the present laws there is no retribution severe enough to punish them. The do-gooders will tell you that they need help, not punishment.

Yours truly

C J Crane, Palma de Mallorca

Dear Sir,

OVER the last few weeks there have been a number of shocking newspaper headlines, at first glance unconnected but upon closer scrutiny, with some disturbing factors in common - race, immigration, poverty and the economic crisis.

On 16 July a 33 year old Nigerian women died in San Llatzer from Swine Flu. She was an illegal immigrant rumoured to be a prostitute. She was living in Son Gotleu and reputedly “worked” in Magalluf. Police thereafter took to wearing face masks when dealing with street girls but have been criticised for their lack of any other effective action. A month later in one of the most rundown suburbs of Palma (where she lived) race riots occurred between over a thousand Nigerians and Gypsies. During August came reports from the tax office of a 23% drop in incomes, from the hoteliers of occupancy rates down 15% pushing them to close early and from the Employment Ministry unemployment up 50%. With the credit crunch and rising unemployment some of the poorest can no longer tighten their belts – no notches are left. Many of the Nigerians have families to feed back in Africa but if illegal immigrants cannot work officially. They are driven to the streets, women to prostitution and men to selling trinkets or worse drugs. Those whose papers have been legalised compete with other immigrants for the shrinking number of jobs generating despair, anger and animosity.

Last week on the Playa de Palma Police identified 70 street prostitutes and 30, mostly Nigerians, were “singled out”. In the early hours of Saturday 29 August a 44 year old British tourist was attacked in Magalluf. Almost immediately the Guardia Civil suspected involvement of prostitutes or their pimps and on the strength of this rounded up 50 or so black women, no whites. The intervention appears misguided as it subsequently transpired that the tourist had been set upon by 4 white residents. The poor man died 4 days later. On Tuesday 1 September about 250 of the community of Magalluf demonstrated against street prostitution in their area. Deportation of the illegals seems an obvious solution but as they expressly do not carry their passports on them their nationality is difficult to determine. Without proof African countries, already beset by generations of over population and poverty, will not admit them. Even with proof many African Governments pay lip service to repatriation. They see much of Europe populated by hypercritical Christians professing love and charity but not to blacks. Europe has had the undeserved luck to sit on green fields with a rain clouds above and mineral resources below. This God given wealth has been misused to finance the exploration, exploitation and colonisation of Africa and America. An unbalanced and biased philosophy perhaps but prevalent among Africans. As Calvia Councillor for Tourism and Foreign Affairs, Kate Mentink commented there is no quick or easy solution. It is pretentious to consider it soluble by Calvia, or Majorca, or even the Baleares as a whole (underlined by Jason Moore's Viewpoint Thursday September 3). As is says in the Matthew 26:11 the poor are always with us - some in the world's oldest profession.

Mike Lillico, Playa de Palma

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