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Dear Sir,

I doubt if anyone who has lived here for any period of time is unaware of the UM party's position in local politics as being likened to a “hinge” being the minority party that, because of the cock-eyed proportional representation system, manages to wield power in the many municipalities with often a handful of votes.

This undemocratic power base opportunity has attracted a disproportionate number of chancers to the party as witnessed by the high number of them either in jail or awaiting judgements on various charges of financial chicanery whilst in various positions where they can get their hands in the till.

However, very recently it seems that even within their own party “enough is enough” and the entire UM party committee of the municipality of Campos, along with around 80 odd formerly party apparatchiks, have resigned from the party. It appears they consider that the top perros of the UM have gone far too nationalistic (a.k.a. xenophobic) and that, as they say, have used the controversial proposed golf course in Campos as “small change” in playing political poker with other parties.

At the risk of upsetting any Latin scholars this is surely a case of “Campos mentis” and one can only hope it's infectious.

John Rule
Sol de Mallorca

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