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Dear Sir,

IT was very thought-provoking of Sally Schofield to take the time to criticise some perceived negative comments I had written regarding our Island of which I care passionately for its future. Sally did not challenge any of my content, but she did believe I was “disloyal” to Majorca and people “should only write positive things”.

This is tantamount to censorship and turning our beloved Daily Bulletin into propaganda publication run by the Tourist Board. These days people just want the hard FACTS – good and bad, they can then make their own minds up. Being ignorant of the facts or by sweeping them under the carpet can be disastrous. Recent examples include the credit crunch and the Iraq war. By knowing what ALL the true facts are, you can make good decisions, not bad ones. You can work on correcting anything bad and further improve anything good.

It is clear that Ms Schofield believes in “burying your head” on the bad issues regarding Majorca and does not want them highlighted or discussed.
You are entitled to your view! Mark Masters, Andratx

Dear Sir, WHILE I am generally in favor of the project (bike lanes), I can foresee and have encountered some problems.
The one I usually use I pick up at the first bus stop on entering Palma from the motorway to Manacor. This takes me pretty much to my most usual destinations, and ends at the Ocimax. Along this route, I feel that the section around Pere Garau is poorly designed considering the foot and commercial traffic in that area. On the safety aspect, I have experienced several problems. I used to think the first was a tourist language problems on the path Porto Pi to Aranal, with tourists, not looking when crossing, or simply standing or walking along the path. Now, I find that the locals, who are not used to the path, also are using it as an extension of the sidewalk, especially at corners.

The second is delivery vehicles who are not separated from their points of delivery by the bike path, where they often park their vans. The other day, I barely missed getting knocked of my bike when the driver opened the rear door, swinging it right across the bike path, without even looking.

While the cutouts of bikes in white against the red background are helpful, a few helpful “no peatones” might be helpful.
Richard Goss, Porreres

Dear Sirs,

AFTER the long hot summer with no rain for months, water saving is as important as ever.
One solution is to plant cacti and local plants, which need no watering at all. Drip feeding each individual plant is better than spraying water around, with half of it going down the street. Another is to place a plastic bucket in your shower and catch the cold water which is normally wasted, before the water turns hot. A bucket per morning can be saved this way and used on plants or to flush the loo. Neither does the loo need to be fully flushed after each use. The last person to use it in the mornings can be the one to flush it. Catching 5 litres of coldwater per day in the shower is not much, but works out at over 1500 litres per year. By learning new habits and being more conscientious of the need for water conservation, it is quite simple to reduce water consumption and our bills by half in each home.


Garry Bonsall, Alcudia

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