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Barbaric or not?

By Jason Moore

BARBARIC or a tradition that needs to be maintained but within certain parameters. On Sunday animal right groups clashed with residents in Fornalutx over the village´s tradition of pulling an ox through the streets. The animal is often mistreated during the so-called festivities.

Fornalutx wants to keep this “tradition” but animal rights groups say it should be banned. I believe that a compromise can be reached and animal rights groups could be involved to ensure that the animal is not mistreated but at the same time the traditional event goes ahead. These same animal rights groups are calling for bullfighting to be banned as well following the example which has been set by Catalonia. I have never been to a bullfight in all the years I have lived in Spain but I do not believe that bullfighting should be banned but I do believe that the animal rights groups have a point. Perhaps the time has come to introduce changes to bullfighting which would please those who are opposed to what many still class as a sport. It is an argument that is going to rage in Spain for many years to come but change is needed. I am in favour of maintaining traditions but not those that mistreat and punish a poor animal. I am sure that a compromise can be reached.

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