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Dear Sir,

Donald Trelford's open letter to Rupert Maxwell in last Wednesday's Daily B refers to his love of newspapers. This came across strongly during his grilling over phone tapping by the Culture, Media & Sport Select Committee in Westminster last month.

While most of his replies were terse and somewhat ill tempered he came alive with this vitriolic outburst which seems to have gone unnoticed. I quote:- “I was brought up by a father who was not rich but who was a great journalist, and he, just before he died, bought a small paper, specifically in his will saying that he was giving me the chance to do good. I remember what he did and what he was most proud of, and for which he was hated in this country by many people for many years, was exposing the scandal at Gallipoli which I remain very, very proud of” For many people the reference to Gallipoli will be meaningless as it involves a major leap back in history to WW I (1915) when allied troops landed on the Turkish coast to seize the whole country. The forces fell into a trap and took terrific casualties prior to an ignominious evacuation 8 months later. Disproportionately killed and wounded were the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand troops) whose first major involvement it was. The campaign was largely the brain child of Winston Churchill. Australasians have long memories and even now its anniversary (Anzac Day - 25 April) is more revered than our own Armistice Day (11 November).

This bit of history obviously is still vivid in Mr. Murdock's mind and it may explain much of his disdain for the niceties of British news reporting and our politicians in general.

Mike Lillico
Playa de Palma

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