Re: Catalan in Schools
AT last someone (Dr G. Giri, Daily Bulletin Sunday 19, August) is not afraid to speak out, against the Balearic Governments edict regarding Catalan in schools.
Whilst those forward thinking parents who can afford it, will “opt” to send their children to private schools which give a more modern and futuristic approach to education. Those who can't afford it (unfortunatley the vast majority) will be left with an education system that fails to equip their children to live and work in the modern world.
By all means try to preserve and nurture your national heritage/identity and language, be it Catalan or Mallorquin but not at the expense of your childrens future.
Just because the “other lot” (PP) thought of it first, don't dismiss trilingualism, as out of order. Its childrens futures with which your're playing political football, and I'm sure most parents would agree, they deserve better! Yours sincerely, M. Irving, Portals Nous
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