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Olympic thoughts

By Jason Moore

ELEVEN billion pounds is alot of money but that is how much the London Olympics cost but the majority of tax-payers say that it was money well spent. That clearly shows you how successful the London Games have been; no-one is moaning about the cost anymore, everyone is just basking in the success of the games and their legacy. After a summer of celebrations from the Queen´s Jubilee to the Olympic Games Britain can look back on a great summer but will it be enough to push the economy out of recession? Will the summer spectacle bring back the elusive feel good factor and get British consumers spending again? Britain is quite rightly feeling good about itself. It sucessfully staged the biggest show on earth and at the same time its athletes took home a record number of medals. If the British economy returns to growth in the next quarter then the Olympics and the Jubilee will have done their ultimate job. A recovering economy would really be the icing on the cake for Britain and its summer. Early signs have already shown the economy has profited from the Olympics. The government is also in the process of transforming the area around the Olympic stadium into a giant business centre. One thing for sure, the morale of Britain has been lifted. It seems incredible that just a year ago in this space I was writing about the awful London riots. Now, just 12 months later I am saying that the British capital is the pride of Britain. What a transformation.

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