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Dear Sir,

THE remarks of the London Mayor, Boris Johnson about the inadequate airport facilities for London, with the Olympics to be held there in four years' time, and Ray Fleming's comments that another airport would be an impossibility, highlights the results of a totalitarian state like China holding such an event.

It was finished on time with one million cars banned from Beijing to cut down on pollution, filling empty stadiums with “extra supporters” bused in, the child singer for the opening ceremony being dropped as she was not “pretty enough”, her replacement synchronising to the original singer voice, and even a question raised as to whether the fireworks were all real, or part of an illusion.

100 '000 troops and police to ensure it is protest free, and no doubt China will have the highest medal count at the end of the games.

I think the last concern will be airport capacity for London!

A final point on the present Olympics, the record gold medals being won by the swimmer Phelps.

This initially seems such a great achievement, but all too often in the past, the multi-record/medal achievers are found later ( in some cases years) to be drug related - it takes away some of the “shine” as one becomes somewhat reserved in applause, in case it later proves false.

Its such a shame that so important an event is so vulnerable.

Graham Phillips, Palma de Majorca

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