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Dear Sir,

It is good news for Scotland with easyJet restoring winter flights to Palma, but don't forget that there are no direct flights from anywhere in Ireland from September until late March.

We like dozens of others have second homes on the island and know full well the beauty of the late autumn, winter and early spring seasons, fiestas, hiking, cycling, sightseeing, Palma when it's not so hot. There is a big latent demand waiting to be tapped by both the airlines and the Majorcan Tourist Board in both Ireland, North and South.

One direct flight a week from say Belfast would be filled without doubt. As it is most UK flights leave too early in the morning for a connection from Ireland the same day.

Well done easyJet for reopening Scotland, now do the same for us in N Ireland and S Ireland kind regards to all at the Bulletin for providing such an informative and readable daily newspaper.

Alan Cook

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