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Cabbies: get real please

Dear Sir, I have just read an article about the cabbies in Palma getting on their high horse about the sightseeing tour bus stopping at the ferry terminal as a bus stop! I think the people in charge should tell the cabbies to get real! People coming off the ferry who are staying on the island won't be using the bus as an alternative to the taxis! People who have only a day in Palma off any of the boats coming in will use the sightseeing bus as a way to see something of the city! Again do I have to remind everyone, it's the done thing in other cities, our closest neighbour being Barcelona and their buses stop at the port and there are taxis there too, all living in harmony! For a long time the taxi services on the island have been a law upon themselves, and its about time they learnt that the world doesn't revolve round them and this bus isn't a danger to the livelihood of their service. The only ones at danger of losing their business are the cabbies themselves because of their attitude and this need to take the law in their own hands! It can be a symbiotic relationship, benefiting both sides! The way they are carrying on it could put people off using the taxis because of the temperamental drivers.
For heavens sake work for the benefit of Majorca and stop being self centred; encourage people to come back and not scare them away.
Susan Taylor
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