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Cracks in the coalition

By Jason Moore
THE political crisis in Calvia last week is a reminder that all is not well in the coalition between the ruling centre-right Partido Popular and the Majorcan Unionist Party. A key Unionist councillor on the council resigned from the Party and he is now expected to give his support to Mayor Carlos Delgado. In other words the Mayor no longer needs the Majorcan Unionists, because with his 10 councillors plus the new independent he has a majority. It is a major blow for the Unionists who are led by Council of Majorca leader, Maria Antonia Munar. At Majorca level, the Unionists have given their support to the Partido Popular, with the coalition having a majority in the Council of Majorca. But last week's shock resignation will mean that Munar's Party has effectively been ousted in Calvia which will come as a major blow. Although a small municipality, Calvia is the jewel in the crown, to to speak. I suspect that the coalition at Majorca will survive until the elections in two years time but Munar must be furious. Political scandals are nothing new in Calvia but this one is quite a coup for the Partido Popular. The Majorcan Unionists are believed to have blocked a considerable amount of legislation which the Partido Popular had wanted to introduce in Calvia. The person who has so far said nothing, is the leader of the Partido Popular and President of the Balearics Jaume Matas. The Unionists will this week be deciding what action to take but at the end of the day there is little that they can do. Munar has been dealt a blow but she is a political survivor and she will ensure that the fall-out from what has happened in Calvia will be minimal.
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