Dear Sir, I read with interest Lillian Smith's letter regarding a money exchange in Pollensa. I wager that I could take her to the exact spot that she was duped. It nearly happened to me a few years back but I was changing cash and must have got swifter hands as I recovered the situation.
I have not stayed at the Romantic but have stayed at its sister hotel, the Pollensa Park for the last 20 years and except for this one moment of greed' as a result of a higher than normal displayed exchange rate, I have always changed my money at the hotel where the rate of exchange is invariably at least 2 centimos higher than in the UK.
Motto for Lillian Smith is don't throw out the baby with the bath water'. If she stops going to Puerto Pollensa, heaven on earth' to many, because of one sharp dealer who can easily be avoided, then guess who will be the loser!
Yours, Mike Davies, Herne Bay, Kent
Dear Sir, AS a non-native speaker I hesitate to criticise the language used in an English language newspaper, but it makes my blood boil when your reports refer to Basque separatist rebels. Let's call things by their proper names.
Those people (?) who tried to murder many sleeping families in Burgos and who murdered two men in Majorca today, are not rebels, they are TERRORISTS and CRIMINALS who must be caught and locked up for the rest of their miserable lives.
Yours sincerely,
Maria Marcela Gonzalez Figueras, Calvia
Note from the editor
We would like to apologise to Mr David Lee and others for a letter we published from Mr Ralph McGaughy on July 5th for any offence it may have caused. Our letters to the editor section is open to all and I hope that it acts as a forum for readers' views.