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Dear Sir,

ACCORDING to yesterday's press, David Cameron is pleading for the Islamic state of Turkey to be admitted to the EU. But on the same day we read of a 79 year-old Frenchman being murdered by an Islamic gang whose main sources of income are blackmail and drug-pushing: a power station being blown up by Islamic terrorists in the Caucasus with the ensuing deaths: the abduction by the Islam-controlled Iranian legal authorities of Mohammed Mostafaei, the lawyer retained to defend Sakineh Ashtiani, sentenced by an Islamic religious court to death by stoning - after already having received 99 lashes, and whose 16 year-old son was forced to watch his mother's brutal beating: the incarceration of the lawyer's wife in the infamous, cruel Evin prison: a retired Turkish general arrested for murder and the issue of warrants for the arrest of 102 other Turkish Muslim men involved with him and the imprisonment of eleven Somali Muslim pirates for attacking coastguards.

And that is just in yesterday's press. Over the last seven days hundreds of men women and children have been machine-gunned to death or blown up by Mullah-led gangs. There is now evidence that the Pakistani government, whilst accepting billions of US dollars in return for helping the USA in its fight against the Taliban are at the same time secretly training and arming them to kill American soldiers.

Sir, our heart wants to reject this question but my head demands that I ask it: is there something deeply evil eating away at the heart of Islam? Leaders of the Christian and Jewish faiths hold to the biblical instruction to love thy neighbour. Clearly, judging by the words of their religious leaders as well as their actions, Islam demands the opposite from its followers.

A few days ago you printed a letter about the evil goings on in Turkey.
Turkey until recently was a close ally of Israel - and a member of NATO not to mention its aspiration to join as a full member of the EU. Even as Israel is upgrading the Turkish air force with advanced electronics, Turkey is actively breaking an iron clad agreement not to support Israel's foresworn enemies (Iran, Syria) nor befriend Iran - especially whilst NATO and the EU are, of necessity, ratcheting up their sanctions. Even as Israel is carrying out its friendly action towards Turkey, its Islamic mullahs are so filling up the minds of their followers with hatred for Jews in general that I was horrified when a friend of mine who had just returned from visiting his relations in Ankara told me of the number of notices in shop windows saying such things as “No dogs or Jews allowed in this shop”.

Islam's leaders frequently express quite openly their bleak, black, unremitting hatred of - and superiority over - Jews, Christians, Hindus, and Kurds.

I earnestly suggest that the evil djinni which lurks within the heart of Islam must be exorcised before it be allowed into the EU. Until our offers of friendship and consideration are not met with bombs, bullets, blackmail, piracy, stoning women, murder and limb-lopping I feel we must resist offering them any place of authority in our society.


David Lee/ Palma
Arye Berest /Ibiza
Dear Sir,

AT last we have the result and Cataluña has voted to ban bullfighting from 2012. I for one, am relieved that they have made this momentous decision and hope that this is just the beginning and other regions will follow suit, including Majorca. That this form of torture has been allowed to continue into the 21st century is beyond belief and far from being a source of wealth, it is, in fact propped up by taxes. Those of us who work here, every family in Spain, pay around 47 euros in tax every year to support the bullfight whether we wish to or not. According to polls some 80% of the population are against bullfighting, yet have to pay for this barbarity. Surely our children, hospitals and elderly are much more in need of finance than a bloody practice that masquerades under the guise of ‘art and culture'?

Let us hope that Majorca may one day take the brave step of abolishing this outdated tradition.
Annie Sofiano

THE botellon problem is not the creation of the youth who are trying to have a good time, as all young people do and deserve.
It is the creation of the Disco owner who is charging humongous entrance fees and exorbitant drink prices, unaffordable to most! Discos should either bring their prices drastically down or relocate out of urban areas as they are, for example, in Ibiza and other cities and countries. The hoteliers represent their self interest and no-one should step in to protect his business, especially not the youth who are forced to stay out of those expensive, unaffordable joints.

I am afraid that the politicians who have the final say would support the hoteliers which ridicules reasoning and the young people who deserve a better policy.


Arye Berest - Palma/Ibiza

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