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Dear Sir,

ARE we to assume from recent articles that editor Jason Moore is an aficionado of the bullfight and wishes to promote the spectacle in any way possible?

Firstly we have the full page article by Mariano Isasi describing the bullfight in detail. Then my letter questioning the glory and mentioning the barbarity of the sport is not published, thus stifling any debate on the subject.

Secondly, in the ‘What's On' (Thursday 24th July), the bullfight is described as an art form. Interestingly though, it also mentions that it was a ‘popular spectacle in ancient Rome'. Of course, the Romans also used to enjoy watching gladiators fight to the death.and throwing Christians to the lions! I believe that this fact tells us that the bullfight belongs in the past, not to be tolerated by a civilized society.

Yours, Annie Sofiano, Porreres

Editor´s note: I have never attended a bullfight in my life and I am not going to start now. However, whilst I accept and understand your views it is the job of this newspaper to inform the public of what is happening and of Spanish culture and traditions. Like it or not bullfighting falls into this category.

Jason Moore, Editor.

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