AS a resident of Majorca and a resident of the United States and a frequent reader of your on line Bulletin, I look at it often when in the US to keep up with the local news. I often look at the letters and opions of some of your editorial staff.
To be frank I am getting tired of the bashing your paper gives the USA all the time. They never have any thing good to say. It's always negative.
I understand some of the American moves over the past years are not popular with some of you. But it is what it is. The American people have bailed Europe out of two World Wars, continues to help protect our freedom.
I have lived in the USA for 25 years, and it's a great country. When I stay in Majorca, which is our second home, I don't go around bashing Spain or the rest of Europe.
Some of Mr Fleming's comments are so off base it's incredible. As a matter of fact I never read anything that he has written that wasn't bashing somebody.
Anyway I will continue to read your news, while in the States. But it would be nice to read something positive in your editorial some time.
Peter Marks