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By Jason Moore

ONE flag, one team, one country. For a few days the internal divisions in Spain have been forgotten with all celebrating the country´s World Cup success from Cataluña to the Basque Country. Spain has had to wait a long time for World Cup glory and it couldn´t have come at a better time as the country battles with a severe recession. But all has been forgotten as the football team arrived triumphantly home yesterday.

Spain went to the World Cup as one of the favourites and quite rightly so. Their Cup campaign has been superb bar an opening round defeat to Switzerland. Football is more than just a game as we have seen over the last few days because you can safely say that Spain has never felt so proud before. It was fantastic to see the fans celebrating in the streets of Majorca on Sunday night and yesterday a similar number again tuned in to watch the victory parade through the streets of Madrid. The World Cup success is expected to lift the country and could even help Spain edge out of recession. But this was footballing and national success and pride. The only person who will not be seeing a bounce from the World Cup is Prime Minister Zapatero. His popularity remains low and he is even under fire for not attending the final.

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