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No time for political attacks

By Jason Moore
THE Spanish opposition Partido Popular have re-opened old wounds from the Madrid bombings noting the difference in behaviour of the opposition parties in Britain and Spain following the Madrid and London attacks. According to the Partido Popular the opposition in Britain has given their full support to Prime Minister Tony Blair, while in Spain it was the reserve, with the socialists, then in opposition, trying to make political capital from the Madrid attacks. The Partido Popular were defeated at the polls, just three days after the Madrid bombings. I don't think you can compare the two attacks. In Britain, there is no general election on the horizon and Tony Blair has just been return to Iraq. Both the government and the Conservatives fully support British troops in Iraq and London has been on full alert for a terrorist attack since September 11. In Spain, the Iraq war, caused important divisions with the socialists calling for the troops to be brought home. Prime Minister Zapatero, who at the time was the leader of the opposition, even claimed that Spain had become a target as a result of its support for the war. I think the Partido Popular are being rather stupid. Their handling of the Madrid bombings was disgraceful. Initially, they blamed the Basque terror group, ETA, eventhough, they had evidence to show that it was the work of Al Qaeda. They were quite rightly punished by voters and ejected from office by Zapatero and his socialists, who ordered the withdraw of Spanish troops from Iraq. The best thing the Partido Popular can do is to offer its support for Prime Minister Zapatero and stop this rather stupid war of words which is only clouding the issue at a time when Europe is once again on full terror alert.
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