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Dear Sir,

RE: 54% increase on parking fees

AT a time of financial crisis, with Palma shopkeepers selling goods at 60% discount - it's interesting to note that Palma Council are proposing to increase parking fees by 54% over four years. Have they really taken leave of their senses! Isn't it time they lead by example, by reducing council/public expenditure? They have already complained bitterly of inherited debt from the last administration - however they have added to that debt with delays and alterations to 1) the new hospital 2) the new conference centre 3) Paseo Maritimo - add to this, the “speak Catalan” campaigns, and various “fact finding” foreign visits by several councillors and others, and it isn't difficult to see that spending by Palma Council, is out of control.

We, the electorate are having to re-evaluate our essential spending - why not Palma Council? You don't have to be Einstein to work out that a rise in the cost of essential services, ultimately leads to a demand for a rise in wages.

However like Gordon Brown, Palma Council says “what crisis?” this on a day that the “city” in UK is forecasting widespread unemployment. Mr Sebastian (Minister for Tourism) forecasts yet another “bumper record breaking season” - lets see what he says at the end of the season, when unemployment/paro figures rise, (and many businesses close not for the winter, but permanently). With the cost of living soaring, he must prepare for a winter of discontent. Yours Sincerely,

M. Irving, Portal Nous

Dear Sir,

RE:Andratx parking

HAVING just returned from three weeks in Puerto Andratx I am once again dismayed that without prior warning, the main jetty has been closed for ‘works'.

The parking situation in the Port is critical, with so much building in the last 10 years and no new parking, and the jetty has parking for about 40 cars and is critical in the summer months. I dread our return visit in August with our grandchildren - we would walk the 2 kms but the roads are too dangerous. Please, please address the parking problem Andratx Authorities - for the sake of the residents, and the restaurants.

Margaret Tittle, by e-mail

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