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HOW egotistical and out of touch Palma council are by refusing to bring in legislation to ban the “botellon” (illegal street parties). How dare they ignore demands being made by those who are paying their salaries! They seem totally oblivious to the damage being done to the tourist industry! As for re location being discriminatory, this was a Council suggestion not a “Paseo Maritimo and Business Association” request. They are asking for a total ban on the “Botellon”!

Might I suggest Sr. Jimenez follows the example set by another “body” having similar problems with their council i.e open a special bank account into which residents/businesses pay their town hall taxes, with the “proviso” that said taxes were not paid into town hall account, until the “botellon” problem was solved. Also they could investigate the legality of Town Halls provision of extra parking spaces along the Paseo Maritimo, in the knowledge that said parking spaces were being used by persons on an all night binge, who would then get into their car and drive off. Perhaps some of the extra 600 police officers on the island, could be used to set up road blocks and breathalise those who are leaving? (or would Councillor Borras consider this “discriminatory”?) Sra Borras' idea of making the young “more aware of their antisocial behaviour and drink related problems” was meant to have been investigated 4 years ago! What happened?

It's time this problem was solved once and for all. It can't and mustn't wait until the Council returns from holiday.
Good luck to Sr Jimenez and his demonstration- might I suggest all who want to see this eyesore removed from the streets, join in the protest.
Yours sincerely, M. Irving

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